Environmental protection and nature conservation: An integral part of planning the new line

In order to assess and as far as possible limit the environmental impact, numerous specialist plans and expert opinions are being prepared alongside the technical aspects of the construction project. These are based on the relevant statutory and sub-statutory foundations as well as the environmental guidelines of the Federal Railway Authority.

According to the definitions set forth in Section 2 of the Environmental Impact Assessment Act (Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung), the environmental impact assessment must assess a project’s effects on:

  • Human beings, especially public health
  • Flora, fauna and biodiversity
  • Land, soil, water, air, climate and landscape
  • Cultural heritage and other material assets
  • The interaction between the above

In addition, the project is being examined to determine whether protected and strictly protected species and their habitats are affected. Extensive mapping is planned for this purpose. The relevant species will be defined in a scoping document and the results of the mapping presented in a species conservation report. The ecosystem conflicts and encroachments caused by the project will be investigated and presented in a landscape conservation plan. Ways of minimising and offsetting these encroachments through mitigation, compensation and rehabilitation measures will also be highlighted. The proper handling of contaminated sites in accordance with the Soil Protection Act (Bundesbodenschutzgesetz) and of waste materials in accordance with the Waste Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz) will be described in a construction and demolition waste usage and disposal plan.

Impacts from noise and vibration will be identified in accordance with the German Pollution Control Act (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz). Where the defined limits are exceeded, the requirements for noise and vibration protection will be determined and set out in the planning approval. Information on noise and vibration protection can be found here.

Overview of the expert reports required (DB AG)

The expert reports prepared in the project will include the following:

  • Analysis of the fauna in the planning area (Faunistische Planungsraumanalyse) as part of preliminary design
  • Natura 2000 relevance analysis (Section 34 Federal Nature Conservation Act (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, “BNatSchG”)) as part of preliminary design
  • Scoping document (Section 15 German Environmental Impact Assessment Act (Gesetz über die Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung, “UVPG”)) to prepare planning for building permit application
  • Environmental impact assessment report (Section 16 UVPG) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Natura 2000 compatibility assessment (Section 34 BNatSchG) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Protected species assessment (Sections 39 and 44 BNatSchG) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Environmental impact mitigation plan (Section 17 BNatSchG) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Forest conservation (e.g. Section 8 Forests Act for the State of Saxony (Waldgesetz für den Freistaat Sachsen)) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Report on water law aspects (EU Water Framework Directive) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Recycling and waste disposal plan (German Waste Management Act (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz), Federal Soil Protection Act (Bundes-Bodenschutzgesetz)) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Report on electromagnetic compatibility (Section 38 German Pollution Control Act (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz, “BImSchG”)) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Report on vibration protection (BImSchG, Section 1 of the 24th Ordinance for the Implementation of the German Pollution Control Act (24. BImschV)) as part of final design and planning for building permit application
  • Report on noise impact (Section 41 BImSchG, Section 2 of the 16th Ordinance for the Implementation of the German Pollution Control Act (16. BImschV)) as part of final design and planning for building permit application

Affected sites in the investigation area for the new Dresden–Prague line

The new Dresden–Prague line will either cross or pass within 300 m of various sites of particular interest in the investigation area:

  • Natura 2000 sites:
    Grosssedlitz Baroque Garden, Bahrebachtal, Seidewitztal and Börnersdorfer Bach, various bat roosts and habitats in the greater Dresden area, Elbe Valley between Schöna and Mühlberg, Müglitztal
  • Bird conservation areas:
    Osterzgebirgstäler, Elbe Valley between Schöna and Mühlberg
  • Area with high groundwater vulnerability (for geological reasons)
    Grosssedlitzer Elbhänge und Hochflächen, Lower Eastern Ore Mountains
  • Natural monuments:
    Limestone spoil pile near Friedrichswalde, large ripples in the rock in Pirna-Zehista, copses with oak mistletoe south-west of Dohma
  • Protected biotopes:
    Various meadow orchards in Pirna-Zehista, Niederseidewitz, Grosssedlitz, Dohma, Zwirtzschkau, Zuschendorf, Oberseidewitz; cleft with rose bushes on scarp in the lower Bienengrundel and two copses on the stone cairn, oatgrass meadow on the Kohlberg, low-nutrient open country around Pirna-Zehista and low-nutrient moist grassland on the Purpurberg
  • Various compensation areas
Deutsche Bahn AG / Volker Emersleben

Planning must also consider various areas with protected status under water protection laws:

  • Areas with potential negative impact on groundwater resources
  • Areas with high groundwater vulnerability (for geological reasons)
  • Areas for maintaining and improving water retention
  • Alluvial soils with indications of widespread high concentrations of heavy metals
  • Regionally significant groundwater remediation areas
  • Flood plains
  • Detention basins
  • Flood source areas
  • Dams